Hello, and Welcome to Ablution Valley Arts.

I am a NY based artist. I have been selling my artwork since my sophomore year of high school. Although most of my work was in abstract painting, I also concentrated my studies in stage acting, singing, and writing. I currently own and operate a custom collectible prop company, Advanced Light, making high-end, top quality custom sci-fi/fantasy swords. I have an undergraduate degree in Ceramic Design, and a Master of Fine Arts degree in Film/Video Production. I began my graduate career as a painter, creating sculptural paintings that had a heavily narrative element to them. Once I discovered videography, I fell in love with the medium. I found that I could finally incorporate my talents in design, painting, sculpture, writing, acting, and photography into a single project. Storytelling is extremely important to me as an artist. As a painter and sculptor, I found myself trying to tell some kind of story, even in my most abstract work. Once I began filmmaking, I found a medium that is tailored to artistic storytelling. I realized that I could incorporate all of my talents into one project. Writing, directing, acting, prop production, costume design, cinematography, and editing are necessary pieces to the cinematic narrative, and so for me as an artist who worked in so many different mediums, working in the cinema graphic arts was the most natural progression in my artistic development.

I am currently working on a new sci-fi/fantasy film. I have just completed work on the screenplay, and have also done work on various visual elements of the film, like props, models, character designs, and special effects tests. As I continue to work on this film project, I hope to post information regarding its progress.

Enjoy the website. It is still under construction, so there are some areas without content.